What is your experience with outsourced outbouding service providers?

Hello there.

My question is about your experience with outbounding service providers? For example companies, who are offering to do cold calls or email campaigns in your company’s name.

Little bit of background: I am working in a startup with no SDR/BDR team. To support the two AE’s in my region, my company hired a cold email service provider and a cold cold service provider.

The cold email provider is sending cadences/sequences in my name to prospects. The cold call provider is calling prospects like a SDR would do.

The results so far are mixed.

Have you dealt with such providers? And if yes, what is your experience? If no, what do you think of such services?

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In my last job an outbound agency was used in the SDR team at the very beginning. It was discontinued because the results were not good.

I myself am not a fan of external outbound services, as they are almost always not qualified well enough and lack real product and industry knowledge.

I would rather invest in my own SDR who I then train and who then builds up product and industry knowledge and becomes an AE in the long term.

As for your specific situation, I would take the mindset that the agency doesn’t exist and put full focus on generating your own pipeline.

I could not agree more with your last sentence. Everything not selfsourced is a bonus.

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