The Power of in Person Meetings/Sales

At an Event end of Last year, I had one of those rare sales moments that prove why in-person events still matter.

I spotted an IT director from a small company at our booth, introduced myself, and within minutes, we had a match and our solution fit his needs perfectly. Right there on the exhibition floor, we negotiated the price. No endless emails, no long approval loops, just a direct, productive conversation.

Since we are building our presence in the DACH market, we have some flexibility in pricing, which helped seal the deal. After a few follow-ups and a demo, he stuck to his word and two months later, the order came through. It wasnt the biggest deal, but a great reminder of how effective face-to-face meetings can be.

Are in-person meetings still the best way to close deals, or has remote selling taken over? How often do you meet customers on-site?

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First of all, congratulations on your deal! :rocket:

My opinion is that personal contact can make a big difference, especially with large deals, because you simply build up a completely different level of trust. Especially if the brand is not yet established and the company has no reputation, I think it is the salesperson who makes the decisive difference.

I try to visit my biggest customers about once a quarter or at least every 6 months, depending on the distance (ideally these customers are also at the conference of my company). The important thing is that you can grow together with the customer, which means growing commercially, or be reasonably remunerated as an AE for the renewal.